

Pointework is an integral part of the ballet dancers training. Progressing onto pointe can take many years of training. Dancers are not generally working ‘en pointe’ until at minimum age 13yrs. This is because their bones are still very soft.

At SSD we work not only on foot strengthening but also how to use the feet. We start this training from a young age during regular ballet class, to enable an smoother transition onto pointe in the later years. Our first stage is to build up strength in the ankles and feet for demi pointe and only once students have the basic fundamentals and the strength may they progress to pre pointe. This generally tends to happen around the same time the students take their Grade 3 examination.

Once on Pre-Pointe, students continue working to build the strength in the feet and ankles and only once they are ready may they then progress onto full pointe, usually around the same time as they take their Grade 4 examination.

Pointework comes with many challenges and at a higher risk of injury so its paramount that dancers work to ensure their safety whilst in training.

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